2023 Fall Fund Drive

2023 Fund Drive Spotlight Video


Our Fall Fund Drive is Happening Now!

Thank you for your ongoing support for Parent Trust. Your donations build the connections that keep kids safe. And right now, our board is matching every donation, dollar for dollar. If you haven’t donated yet now is the time!  

If you have already donated thank you so much – your support changes everything for our families! Please help us by sharing our video with your friends and family today.

Supporting Our Fund Drive has an Immediate Impact. Strong Connections = Safe Kids. Our minimum suggested donation for Fall 2023 is $200. (Gifts of all amounts are welcome and deeply appreciated!)


Spotlight Video Details:

Parenting a baby is filled with everything – with joy, with frustration, guilt and uncertainty.  And that’s OK. It’s normal. Parenting is a roller coaster. Your support means we are here to help families, where they are and when they need us! Together, we can keep kids safe and families strong.

The cornerstone of a healthy family is the relationship between parent and baby. All families deserve education and support to ensure their connection with their baby is strong and healthy. Strong connections = safe kids.

Join us for a conversation with Jessup Coffin, our Conscious Fathering Program Coordinator and Kim James, one of our long-time Great Starts Instructors. Kim and Jessup have been working with new families for decades, and have a wealth of professional knowledge, empathy and personal experience to share with you.

Jessup Coffin

Parent Trust Conscious Fathering Program Coordinator, and a Conscious Fathering Instructor. Jessup is also a Childbirth Educator, Certified Lactation Educator, BabySafe Instructor, CPR/First Aid Instructor and Birth Doula. He currently teaches Conscious Fathering and does community outreach and Conscious Fathering presentations.

Jessup is passionate about childbirth education, and facilitating the whole family in being involved in their child’s life from birth on. He brings an emphasis on how to support breastfeeding/chestfeeding, family mental health, and infant safety. He firmly believes that when a child receives great support from both parents, they have the greatest chance at improving the world around them.

Kim James

Parent Trust Great Starts Instructor, BA, CD(DONA), CD(PALS), ICCE, LCCE, BDT(DONA).

Kim is also an ICEA and Lamaze® International certified childbirth educator. Kim is passionate about her work with new families. As Kim says:

“Effective parenting is one of the best ways to improve the world, and parenting begins with pregnancy and birth. I firmly believe in using any fear and anxiety we might have to examine our choices and beliefs, and find ways of birthing and parenting that are just right for us. When I think about the power of preparing for labor, birth, and parenthood, Maya Angelou sums it up best: ‘When you know better, you do better.'”

Thank you to our generous 2023 Fall Fund Drive Sponsors:

Thank You for Supporting Parent Trust!