Administration Building
6901 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115
NOTE: this is not the main Seattle Children’s Hospital campus!

From I-5 Northbound:
Take exit 169 for NE 45th St. Turn right (east) on 45th. Follow 45th past the UW campus, and down the hill toward U Village. At the stoplight at the bottom of the hill (viaduct), turn left. This road becomes Sand Point Way. Follow Sand Point Way NE to NE 70th Street. At 70th, turn left, then left into the driveway and parking lot. Enter the building through the main entrance and check in at the receptionist’s desk if someone is there. Otherwise, go straight to the conference room.
From I-5 Southbound:
Take Exit 171 – NE 71st Street and NE 65th Street. At the stop sign, turn left onto NE 71st Street and cross over the freeway. Turn right onto Roosevelt Way NE, then left onto NE 65th Street and proceed east for approximately two miles. Note: At 46th Avenue NE, 65th jogs to the right (turning into Princeton Way), then left into a series of curves before continuing as 65th down the hill to Sand Point Way NE. At Sand Point, turn left at the stoplight and drive north to NE 70th Street (you’ll pass the building on your left). At 70th, turn left, then left into the driveway and parking lot. Enter the building through the main entrance and check in at the receptionist’s desk if someone is there. Otherwise, go straight to the conference room.
Conference Room: 1E
Go in the main entrance and down the stairs. There are three hallways. The
center one will take you to one door for room 1E (and if you go further down this hall, you’ll find
bathrooms, and even further down the hall are vending machines). The right hand hallway takes
you to the back door for room 1E.
Conference Room: 2C or 2B
This classroom is on the main floor, down the hallway to the left of the receptionist’s desk.